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Mouth Harp

No instrument on earth has so many names as the mouth harp. It's not only one of the oldest instruments in human history, but also 'the' most wide spread instrument on our planet. Through out the ages this small instrument has been used for all kinds of purposes, varying from musical use to shamanic use, as a hunters tool or a chatting-girls-tool.


In this course we focus mainly on the musical aspect, looking at the basic techniques to get you started. We'll also have a look at the differences in types of mouth harps, and which one would fit you best. As the mouth harp is an overtone instrument we'll also work on the awareness of overtones.


The aim of the beginner course is to get you started from the very basics. You'll get some tips and tricks to continue this joyful journey on yourself.



If you like to organise this workshop (or deeper course) at your place, house or center, just contact me through this form. Also individual classes are possible.

Teaching Jan Van Looveren how to play the harp, on Belgian television.

Listen here to the mouth harp song 'Dancing Fire' from our album 'The Great Mystery'

Mouth Harp Beginner course

No courses scheduled at the moment.

Private lessons

  • For beginner and advanced practitioners

  • Location: Meerstraat 2, 3870 Heks (Heers), Belgium

  • Price: €40 per hour

  • You can use the subscription form on the left side to make an appointment.

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